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unlearn the way of the world and gain the Bible-based spiritual knowledge necessary to navigate your current season of marital hardship God's way.

You never imagined that you would be facing the kind of hardship you're facing in this season of your marriage.  You may not even truly understand how you ended up here.  Where did things go wrong?  It's all become a great big blur and you're wondering if your marriage can make it through all of this.  If this sounds like you I'm here to tell you YES! It absolutely can. 


As a wife coach who specializes in helping women of God navigate some of the toughest seasons of marital hardships, I've worked with several women who once felt as hopeless as you do right now.  And the truth is, most of them were being called to a deeper journey in Christ that was bigger than their marriage, yet still beneficial to the renewing of their marriage. 


After over nearly two decades of marriage, successfully navigating my own seasons of marital hardship and helping others do the same, I’ve noticed these common things that Women of God are doing that are holding them back from having a prosperous marriage:


  • Unknowingly creating idols out of their husbands

  • Exalting their feelings as master of their lives

  • Failing to surrender themselves, their husbands and marriages to God 

  • Unknowingly wrestling against their husbands instead of the spiritual wickedness that is actually opposing them

  • An overall lack of spiritual knowledge



A 4-month group coaching program designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to grow spiritually and navigate your season of marital hardship fruitfully

As your wife coach there are 6 key areas I will focus on in this program to help you navigate your current season of marital hardship fruitfully




All of the natural problems we face in marriage have a spiritual root. Before you can do anything about the natural challenges you have to first identify what the associated spiritual challenges are.  This is something I will help you to get clear on coming into this program.




One of the primary things I will focus on during my time with your group is getting you properly postured emotionally, mentally and spiritually to navigate your season of difficulty fruitfully.


  • Emotional posture:  It is common to experience emotional overwhelm during marriage difficulties. At the top of our time (and as needed throughout) I will work to help you neutralize your emotions so you can get your mind where it needs to be to proceed with receiving spiritual knowledge.


  • Mental posture:  Mindset is one of the greatest challenges when emotions are heightened.  Getting you to a point where you can focus your mind on the source of the onset of knew knowledge is extremely important.


  • Spiritual posture:  After trying everything you know spiritually to make a difference in your marriage it's common to feel hopeless about your situation.  I will help to posture you for surrender so that you can hope in the Lord again.  





I will spend a great deal of time helping you to unlearn worldly concepts while also introducing you to Biblical principles, Godly wisdom, and Spirit inspired knowledge that will help bring you into the knowledge of truth about love, marriage, and spiritual warfare in marriage.  I do this through The Curriculum.  The Curriculum is the most structured container and of one the highest levels for receiving knowledge that I offer.  It is 7 modules of invaluable insight designed for transformation that you won't find anywhere else.




As you obtain the knowledge and tools you'll need to navigate your season of marital hardship I will help work to assure full clarity and understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies so you can begin applying them in your real life situations and circumstances.




As you gain clear understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies provided to you through The Curriculum I will work with you to apply them in your real life scenarios. 




As you come into the knowledge of truth through The Curriculum, I will work with you to help keep you accountable for the knowledge that you have obtained as you navigate your season of marital hardship.

What People Are Saying

"Before working with Tawanda, I was full of anxiety & fear. The enemy was whopping my butt with his lies. I had forgotten who & whose I was and was living a life that showed it. My marriage was broken, and I was in fear of what that could result in, so I was trying to control & "fix it" with no success. I was desperate for more of God but was lost in how to draw closer. I kept going back & forth about joining a program; then I went to shift. Just know that I joined WWA before leaving the venue that day. The Winning Wives Academy was EVERYTHING I needed to go deeper into this undoing & renewing journey. Coach T has opened my eyes to the tricks, tactics, & schemes of the enemy. She has also taught me how to fight. I have gained insight into my husband & marriage & how the enemy uses us against us. She helped me to take my eyes & focus off of my husband & put it on God. WWA & whole have changed my life. The insights gained from the curriculum & wisdom Wednesday are priceless & life-changing." â€‹


"Last year this time, I already knew what I wanted to do for my 50th Birthday, I was not in a good place about my marriage. I was in still so angry that I premeditated not taking my husband along on this trip because I knew how much, it would eat him up. It was going to be a part of my revenge.  I had been keeping such long records of his wrongs, I meant literally and figuratively, that I couldn’t see the, Lord working on him. But God!!! This past year I have really given this guy over to his Heavenly Father and while going through the WW Academy, I was deleting the records in my mind, my phone and began destroying the various records I had been keeping in a box. My husband is repentant and has been for a while but I had lost all trust in him. The academy again, helped me to be able to trust again. (That regaining trust module is a lifeline) So he asked to be on the trip and I obeyed GOD about it and we had a great time. He is super supportive and honestly has always been my biggest “cheerleader”. I realize now that I had Idolized him and if I am being honest, He idolized me too. Today we are both more focused on our personal relationships with God, which is renewing the marriage slowly but surely. So Grateful for This W.H.O.L.E Platform."

Here's What's Included:

The Curriculum


A semi-self-paced 7 module curriculum that teaches you:


  • How to identify the enemy in your marriage and defeat him

  • What you need to know about the sinful flesh and how to overcome it

  • What God's foundational blueprint is for love & marriage 

  • How to communicate in a way that produces good fruit in your marriage

  • What forgiveness is and how to do it

  • What regaining trust truly requires

  • How to enhance sexual and non-sexual intimacy


Discover what forgiveness truly is, why it's so important, what's holding you back from forgiving, and how to actually carry it out.




Understand the foundational blueprint of God's design for love and marriage

Gain the insight and information necessary to understand what your marriage is truly up against




Uncover the best ways to address sexual challenges as well as how to incorporate more non sexual intimacy in your marriage




Understand the difference between effective communication and fruitful communication. & why fruitful communication is what you need in marriage



Learn about the various strategies and tactics the enemy uses to destroy marriages, the authority you have to defeat Him and how to actually defeat Him

Uncover the truth about regaining trust and what you actually need to do it.




A 180+ page timeless reference of everything you'll learn inside of the Winning Wives Academy.  This playbook will serve you for your entire life.


W.H.O.L.E. is my online learning platform and community for women of God struggling in marriage.  You will have access to W.H.O.L.E. as well as the private Group within the platform specifically for Academy members.  Here you can connect with other Academy members while getting personalized situational feedback from me.


Get all of your questions about The Curriculum answered as you make your way through each module and get the coaching and guidance you need as you walk out this season of difficutly.




  • The Curriculum  

  • Weekly Coaching & Support Calls

  • Access to W.H.O.L.E.

  • The Winning Wives Playbook (Digital Copy)​

​​Cost: $3100 Paid In Full OR  5 installments of $640.​





  • The Curriculum  

  • Monthly Coaching & Support Calls

  • Access to W.H.O.L.E.

  • The Winning Wives Playbook (Digital Copy)​

​​Cost: $2100 Paid In Full OR 5 installments of $440.​


The Investment

  • You are in a season of marital hardship

  • You are a Believer in Jesus Christ

  • You want your marriage to be renewed

  • You’re ready to commit to growth and self-betterment 

  • You aren't interested in your marriage being renewed

  • You are currently cheating on your husband

  • You are highly uncomfortable in a group coaching setting 

  • You are not ready to commit to self betterment 


"I’m so grateful for this program. I’ve become a better wife/woman spiritually and mentally! No one is out here teaching you this information like Coach Tawanda. This is a program that you definitely need to take. The curriculum is mind blowing information. It’s definitely information that you haven’t heard before. I encouraged every married woman to go this through course. Coach Tawanda is such a blessing! Let’s continue to build Godly marriages. "



"This experience has been life-changing. I've had so much growth as a wife spiritually and mentally. Tawanda is so passionate and her knowledge about marriage is so inspiring. She has shown me that the light is shining in the darkness and I can better myself to be the person that my husband needs. She gives you the tools that can change your life and marriage! I am so thankful to have Tawanda in my corner and to teach me all that she knows! If God leads you to her, you need to do it! It will change you completely."



"The Winning Wives Academy changed my life. Tawanda has helped me to be a better wife, mother, and woman of God. Along with the coursework she also introduced me to an amazing group of women who showed me that I am not alone. I don’t know the words to express how much Tawanda and WWA means to me. Without her my marriage wouldn’t have stood a chance. God lead me here in my darkest hours and I am eternally grateful that He did.” 



"What you learn in the Academy works as long as you work it! You have to be prepared to do the work. There are some things you won't want to do but guaranteed by the end you completely understand where you are, where you should have been from the beginning, where you're going, and how to use the tools you've gained to help you get there."



"This program is so worth it! It is such a great investment into your future and you will definitely reap the benefits. It may not feel like it initially because Tawanda is going to smack you in the head every week with the curriculum content. And, you may think she's a little crazy BUT, it's going to benefit you way more than you know."



"My husband and I have seen two different counselors. We've completed The Love Dare, The 5 Love Languages book plus workbook, Love & Respect, and attended weekend conferences. Each of these things helped but only for a brief time. The information I've learned from this program has given me so much more clarity and instruction on what is truly necessary to improve my marriage."

After the second module on spiritual warfare, I was able to see clearly the distinction between Satan and my husband. I was able to take the energy I put into my victim status, woe is me pity party and dedicate it to the work Coach T was challenging us to do. That personal attention coupled with the support of women in challenging situations was the lifeline I needed to strengthen my relationship with God, which not only improved my marriage but brought tens of thousands of dollars in revenue to my business. I can honestly say that after 12 years of marriage, we are getting along better than we ever have."

"I thought there was no way I would still be married to my husband and actually in a better place than we have been in years before I found out about all the things that had taken place. Without Coach T and the Academy I would have been hyper focused only on what was taking place versus what work God was trying to do in me. God has done a complete turnaround in me and my marriage."


"I had no expectation of what the Winning Wives Academy (WWA) was going to do for me and my marriage. All I knew was I wanted to see some change in my marriage. And from the gate, I learned the change I thought I wanted to see was actually going to be change in me.
Coach Tawanda’s content is clear, biblically based and convicting. Each lesson challenges you to think different and be different. If a commitment to the 12 weeks of WWA is made, there is no other option, but to see change."

"This is the best money I've spent in my entire life!"

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