in a one-of-a-kind learning and support platform for married women of God struggling in their marriage.

Get The Community And Support You Need

You can get through even the toughest of times with community, support & Godly wisdom.


...of doing everything you can to improve your marriage you're probably wondering if there is any way that things can get better. The world has led you to believe that love should make you happy and be easy. And if it's not, then divorce is the answer. 

I believe that God is the answer and that aligning yourself with Him will always lead you into your greatest possible outcome. For many that outcome is a renewed marriage that is a great testiment to God's ability to bring dead things back to life. And for others that outcome might ultimately be divorce which is seemingly unfortunate, but may provide your spouse a full opportunity to receive God's conviction, correction, healing and redemption.  

Marital hardships have a way of breaking us. And although God uses broken vessels often, His desire is that the vessel allows Him to not just restore it but to renew it. W.H.O.L.E. is the unique learning and support experience that will help position you for that renewing. 

After months or maybe even years...

"WHOLE has helped me like I could never have imagined! The spiritual knowledge I have learned has had a total shift on my perspective on so many things that I would have never known without WHOLE. There is no way I would be where I am spiritually, emotionally, mentally without the guidance and support from WHOLE. Thank the Lord for this platform."

"SHIFT ..... is the best word to describe what WHOLE has done for my life. I literally was in a mental prison and could not see a way out. This program and community has allowed me to see life so differently. I am no longer bound in that 4 wall prison in my mind. My perspective has changed so drastically. God knew what I needed and I am so grateful. If I look back on where I was to where I am now. I could weep for days. Being connected to women of God on a level that has served me has been such a blessing. Multiple prayers answered beyond my marriage and I am grateful. WHOLE IS EVERYTHING"

"WHOLE has made me understand that in all, GOD is the focus! WHOLE made me understand why I should stop trying to control the situation and let God. Also, to deny self, to not be controlled by feelings! Whole has honesty made me understand what it really means to LOVE in this season! WHOLE has made me recognize the deceptive whispering of the devil. WHOLE has made me to work towards acquiring the fruits of the spirit! WHOLE has made me understand that fruitful communication and not self satisfactory conversation is paramount! Honestly WHOLE HAS OPENED MY SPIRITUAL EYES BEYOND MY IMAGINATION! WHOLE HAS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!"

"The WHOLE Community is EVERYTHING!!! When you're in a season of marital crisis, you can feel so alone. You don't want to disparage your husband, you don't want anyone to know the truth of what you are facing or it seems as though all of your friends are in marriages way better than yours. I am beyond grateful to find a community of women that allowed me to know that I was not alone, women that prayed for me and who I could pray for. A community led by a woman of God who always had a scripture reference or a prayer to lift my spirits and to refocus my eyes on God. I don't know how this past year of my life would have gone without this beautiful gathering of wives committed to living whole lives, submitted to God so that they could love eternally."

"This program is so worth it! It is such a great investment into your future and you will definitely reap the benefits. It may not feel like it initially because Tawanda is going to smack you in the head every week with the curriculum content. And, you may think she's a little crazy BUT, it's going to benefit you way more than you know."

"My husband and I have seen two different counselors. We've completed The Love Dare, The 5 Love Languages book plus workbook, Love & Respect, and attended weekend conferences. Each of these things helped but only for a brief time. The information I've learned from this program has given me so much more clarity and instruction on what is truly necessary to improve my marriage."

After the second module on spiritual warfare, I was able to see clearly the distinction between Satan and my husband. I was able to take the energy I put into my victim status, woe is me pity party and dedicate it to the work Coach T was challenging us to do. That personal attention coupled with the support of women in challenging situations was the lifeline I needed to strengthen my relationship with God, which not only improved my marriage but brought tens of thousands of dollars in revenue to my business. I can honestly say that after 12 years of marriage, we are getting along better than we ever have."

"I had no expectation of what the Winning Wives Academy (WWA) was going to do for me and my marriage. All I knew was I wanted to see some change in my marriage. And from the gate, I learned the change I thought I wanted to see was actually going to be change in me. Coach Tawanda’s content is clear, biblically based and convicting. Each lesson challenges you to think different and be different. If a commitment to the 12 weeks of WWA is made, there is no other option, but to see change."

What People Are Saying

Although you DO NOT have access to The Curriculum as a member of W.H.O.L.E. I use other resources to help provide important knowledge about love, marriage, and spiritual warfare.  


One of the primary things I will focus on with you inside of W.H.O.L.E. is getting you properly postured emotionally, mentally and spiritually to navigate your season of difficulty fruitfully.

All of the natural problems we face in marriage have a spiritual root. Before you can do anything about the natural challenges you have to first identify what the associated spiritual challenges are. This is something I will help you to get clear on over time as a member of W.H.O.L.E.



  • Emotional posture: It is common to experience emotional overwhelm during marriage difficulties. At the top of our time (and as needed throughout) I will work to help you neutralize your emotions so you can get your mind where it needs to be to proceed with receiving spiritual knowledge.

  • Mental posture: Mindset is one of the greatest challenges when emotions are heightened. Getting you to a point where you can focus your mind on the source of the onset of knew knowledge is extremely important.

  • ​​Spiritual posture: After trying everything you know spiritually to make a difference in your marriage it's common to feel hopeless about your situation. I will help to posture you for surrender so that you can hope in the Lord again

As you gain clear understanding of the knowledge that is provided in W.H.O.L.E. I will help you to leverage this insight in your real life scenarios. 


As you gain knowledge within this platform, I will help keep you accountable for the knowledge that you have obtained as you navigate your season of marital hardship


W.H.O.L.E. provides the very unique opportunity of receiving several areas of coaching that I offer at, some level. 

The mission of W.H.O.L.E. is to help women of God struggling in marriage to better navigate their difficult seasons by offering community, support and Godly wisdom to help renew their minds according to the Word of God so that despite how that season ends they can ultimately come out as women holding on to love eternally (W.H.O.L.E.).

The Mission

The vision of W.H.O.L.E. is to help align more women with the Word of God so they are positioned mentally and spiritually to not only better navigate marriage but, life. 

The Vision

What's Included?

As a member of W.H.O.L.E. you will gain invaluable insight that can help you better navigate your current season of hardship. 

  • All pre-recorded masterclasses and workshops including: The Winning WIves Communication Workshop, Anger to Alignment, The Make It In Marriage Masterclass and more!
  • Live weekly lectures providing clarity and wisdom regarding marriage, hardship and wifehood
  • Live monthly Q&A sessions providing support, encouragement and guidance 
  • A private community of other like-minded women of God who are either married or desire marriage
  • Discounts and early access to higher level programs, classes and events
  • Pre-written prayers to help you petition God for what you need
  • Quick coaching nuggets that will help align you with the Word of God as you navigate your season of hardship & journey of renewing
  • Me! Your wife coach

Members of W.H.O.L.E have access to:

No contracts. No commitments. Cancel at anytime.

All of that for just $99/month

After joining W.H.O.L.E. you'll be able to access all courses, lectures, resources, and the private community from your desktop and a convenient mobile application.  

Have questions?

A Convenient Desktop & Mobile App at your finger tips

We meet monthly via Zoom for a Q&A session where you can get answers to all of your marriage questions

Weekly Live Marriage Lectures

There is a weekly live lecture (Wisdom Wednesday) about different marriage topics that help to provide valuable insight and wisdom the you can apply to your life.

Classes & Workshops

Access replays of marriage classes and workshops at anytime directly from the mobile app

Community & Encouragement

Connect and build relationships with other like-minded women of God striving for a better marriage

W.H.O.L.E. is your first step to a better YOU and a better marriage