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Welcome To One Flesh TV Coaching
If I'm right about you, you're here because you are in a season of marital hardship and you're looking for help.  And not just any kind of help, spiritual help.  You're looking for help that is rooted in Christ Jesus.  Well, Woman of God, you are in the right place.
About Coach T...
A little backstory

I have shared 17 years of marriage and 22 years of love with my husband David.  We are blessed to steward 3 amazing boys and a massive estate in the south metro Atlanta area.

The first 7 years of marriage is where God truly prepared me to be one of the absolute best at helping women navigate seasons of marital hardship.


From my early years of marriage that was filled with arguing, selfish behavior, and a lack of understanding of how to truly love, to grieving through repeat pregnancy loss as well as newborn child loss and, struggling through financial turmoil, my husband and I really went through it.  Now, with God, David and I have designed a marriage that is currently living in exceeding abundance in every area.

After suffering a lot of loss, the Lord put us on a trajectory for abundance that was rooted in 100% faith.  As a result of stepping into that journey and trusting him every step of the way I found myself retired from a 13 year marketing career dedicating  the next 5 years to building a successful personal natural hair brand, TJLuvsBeingNatural. At the tail end of that 5 years after generating an incredible following, I felt the compelling of the Lord guiding me into cutting off my hair, the very thing that my career was based on.  With no idea what was next I was obedient to the call. My husband cut off my hair and within a year God transitioned my natural hair platform into a marriage platform. Then in 2020 the Lord began to send His daughters to me and OneFlesh TV Coaching was officially born.


What I do & How I do it


I am a wife coach.  Not to be confused with a counselor or therapist, my primary focus is not to help you unpack your traumatic history but to help you navigate your current season of marital hardship fruitfully so that you can move into your harvest season as a whole, and renewed women of God.  With that, there is a level of therapy and counseling that does happen while working with me, but it is important to understand that I AM NOT a licensed therapist or counselor.  I am a servant of The Most High God who is anointed for this good work.


I offer some key coaching services which we'll get into, but no matter what capacity I serve you in, please know that while I am an advocate of marriage, your marriage is not my job, you are. I am not here to help you save your marriage. I am here to do 3 key things:

1. Help you unlearn the way of the world by bringing you into the knowledge of truth which is the Word of God

2. Guide you into deeper fellowship with Holy Spirit so you can learn to be guided by Him (without me)

3. Teach you how to operate in accordance with the Word, especially in the authority the Lord Jesus He has given you so that you can overcome the enemy in this season of your life and beyond

While these things do not guarantee renewing for your marriage, consistent and diligent work in these areas has proven to provide the best opportunity for a renewed marriage.


A core resource that I use to help my clients in these key areas is The Curriculum.  The Curriculum consists of 7 robust modules of critical information regarding God’s foundational blueprint for love and marriage as well as transformational insight pertaining to spiritual warfare.  The Curriculum is only offered in 2 of the 5 ways to work with me.



Discover what forgiveness truly is, why it's so important, what's holding you back from forgiving, and how to actually carry it out.



Understand the foundational blueprint of God's design for love and marriage


Gain the insight and information necessary to understand what your marriage is truly up against




Uncover the best ways to address sexual challenges as well as how to incorporate more non sexual intimacy in your marriage




Understand the difference between effective communication and fruitful communication. & why fruitful communication is what you need in marriage



Learn about the various strategies and tactics the enemy uses to destroy marriages, the authority you have to defeat Him and how to actually defeat Him

Uncover the truth about regaining trust and what you actually need to do it.



7 Key Areas of Coaching


As a wife coach there are seven key areas of coaching that I focus on. Every area of coaching is not provided with every coaching service, and the level of coaching within each area varies depending on the coaching service.


Here is more about my seven key areas of coaching.




All of the natural problems we face in marriage have a spiritual root. Before you can do anything about the natural challenges you have to first identify what the associated spiritual challenges are.  This is something I will help you to get clear on coming into this program.




One of the primary things I will focus on during my time with your group is getting you properly postured emotionally, mentally and spiritually to navigate your season of difficulty fruitfully.


  • Emotional posture:  It is common to experience emotional overwhelm during marriage difficulties. At the top of our time (and as needed throughout) I will work to help you neutralize your emotions so you can get your mind where it needs to be to proceed with receiving spiritual knowledge.


  • Mental posture:  Mindset is one of the greatest challenges when emotions are heightened.  Getting you to a point where you can focus your mind on the source of the onset of knew knowledge is extremely important.


  • Spiritual posture:  After trying everything you know spiritually to make a difference in your marriage it's common to feel hopeless about your situation.  I will help to posture you for surrender so that you can hope in the Lord again




I will spend a great deal of time helping you to unlearn worldly concepts while also introducing you to Biblical principles, Godly wisdom, and Spirit inspired knowledge that will help bring you into the knowledge of truth about love, marriage, and spiritual warfare in marriage.  I do this through The Curriculum.  The Curriculum is the most structured container and of one the highest levels for receiving knowledge that I offer.  It is 7 modules of invaluable insight designed for transformation that you won't find anywhere else.




As you become properly postured and begin unlearning worldly concepts there are often times  key areas of spiritual resistance threatening to halt your progression.  I will hone in on these to fully uncover and address them.




As you obtain the knowledge and tools you'll need to navigate your season of marital hardship I will help work to assure full clarity and understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies so you can begin applying them in your real life situations and circumstances.




As you gain clear understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies provided to you through The Curriculum I will work with you to apply them in your real life scenarios.  I will help you prepare for application, assess how things went post application, make corrections, and help you to fine tune or find contentment in your process. 




As you come into the knowledge of truth through The Curriculum, I WILL work with you to help keep you accountable for the knowledge that you have obtained as you navigate your season of marital hardship and beyond.





How to work with me


There are 3 ways to work with me which you can find below.  

Should you choose to seek service from me there are some important things to note.​


1. I only work with women who believe in Jesus Christ.


2. The work you do with me will be very challenging. It will also almost certainly change your life drastically for the better.


3. Working with me requires commitment.


4. I am not a licensed therapist or a counselor.


5. All services are paid services.  If you are looking for free content I encourage you to follow me on Instagram.


6. I will love and support you through the coaching process but I will not coddle you. My job is to help you grow and mature in Christ.


7. The Lord Jesus moves mightily over here



The best way to start working with me, W.H.O.L.E. is an online learning and support community that was designed to help women of God better navigate their difficult seasons of marriage by providing knowledge, encouragement, community & coaching.



Winning Wives Academy

a curriculum based program​​

A 12-week curriculum based group coaching program designed to equip you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate your current season of marital hardship fruitfully as a wife.



1-On-1 Intensive Coaching

a curriculum based program​​

A 4 month 1-on-1 intensive curriculum based coaching program designed to help you unlearn the way of the world, uncover and begin tearing down subsequent stronghold so you can navigate her current season of marriage in a way that honors God, and matures you in Christ



SHIFT Annual Conferece

A dynamic 2-DAY experience of teaching, learning, worship, fellowship, and coaching designed exclusively for married women of God in a season of hardship. I bring high level teaching to this conference that allows you to better operate in your season of marital hardship as a disciple of Jesus Christ.




I teach new classes twice a year and make the class recordings available for purchase.  Each class is extremely thorough and hones in on specific topics that differentiate the way of the world from the way of God. They also increase your level of understanding of Biblical concepts.



No matter what service you might decide on this year, it is my prayer that what the enemy intended for your bad, you will allow God to use for your good. Give God room to do something really big in this difficult season of your life. He wants to. He just needs you to be a willing vessel.


~Coach T

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