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navigate your current season of marriage in a way that honors God, and creates the best opportunities for your personal healing and renewing, as well as the renewing of your marriage.
When you said "For better or for worse" you never imagined that worse would look like this. But here you are, and now you're not sure if your marriage can make it.

You are emotionally overwhelmed. You've been doing everything you know to help your marriage get better.  You've tried communicating, spending more time together,  praying & fasting, loving him in his love language, you may have even tried counseling or therapy, but nothing has seemed to really help.

As a wife coach who specializes in helping women of God get through some of the toughest seasons of marriage such as infidelity resulting in a child, spousal abandonment, sexual identity trauma, child loss and consistent conflict, I've worked with several women who once felt as hopeless as you do right now.  And the truth is, most of them were lacking the knowledge and support they needed to navigate that season fruitfully. 

As a believer you know that God is an integral part of marriage. But what you might not know is that when problems arise in your marriage it is spiritual warfare, and spiritual battles can't be won in the natural.  They have to be won in the spiritual realm first. This is something the world will never teach you. But I will.  

As your wife coach there are 7 key areas of intense coaching I will focus on in this program so to position you for transformation.




All of the natural problems we face in marriage have a spiritual root. Before you can do anything about the natural challenges you have to first identify what the associated spiritual challenges are.  This is something I will help you to get clear on coming into this program.




One of the primary things I will focus on during my time with your group is getting you properly postured emotionally, mentally and spiritually to navigate your season of difficulty fruitfully.


  • Emotional posture:  It is common to experience emotional overwhelm during marriage difficulties. At the top of our time (and as needed throughout) I will work to help you neutralize your emotions so you can get your mind where it needs to be to proceed with receiving spiritual knowledge.


  • Mental posture:  Mindset is one of the greatest challenges when emotions are heightened.  Getting you to a point where you can focus your mind on the source of the onset of knew knowledge is extremely important.


  • Spiritual posture:  After trying everything you know spiritually to make a difference in your marriage it's common to feel hopeless about your situation.  I will help to posture you for surrender so that you can hope in the Lord again




I will spend a great deal of time helping you to unlearn worldly concepts while also introducing you to Biblical principles, Godly wisdom, and Spirit inspired knowledge that will help bring you into the knowledge of truth about love, marriage, and spiritual warfare in marriage.  I do this through The Curriculum.  The Curriculum is the most structured container and of one the highest levels for receiving knowledge that I offer.  It is 7 modules of invaluable insight designed for transformation that you won't find anywhere else.







As you become properly postured and begin unlearning worldly concepts there are often times  key areas of spiritual resistance threatening to halt your progression.  I will hone in on these to fully uncover and address them.




As you obtain the knowledge and tools you'll need to navigate your season of marital hardship I will help work to assure full clarity and understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies so you can begin applying them in your real life situations and circumstances.




As you gain clear understanding of the principles, concepts and strategies provided to you through The Curriculum I will work with you to apply them in your real life scenarios.  I will help you prepare for application, assess how things went post application, make corrections, and help you to fine tune or find contentment in your process. 




As you come into the knowledge of truth through The Curriculum, I WILL work with you to help keep you accountable for the knowledge that you have obtained as you navigate your season of marital hardship and beyond.

A 6-month1-On-1 coaching program designed to help the woman of God in a season of marital hardship to mature both mentally & spiritually so that she is properly positioned not only as a wife but as a Follower of Jesus
What's Included



A semi-self-paced 7 module curriculum that teaches you:


  • How to identify the enemy in your marriage and defeat him

  • What you need to know about the sinful flesh and how to overcome it

  • What God's foundational blueprint is for love & marriage 

  • How to communicate in a way that produces good fruit in your marriage

  • What forgiveness is and how to do it

  • What regaining trust truly requires

  • How to enhance sexual and non-sexual intimacy


Discover what forgiveness truly is, why it's so important, what's holding you back from forgiving, and how to actually carry it out.



Understand the foundational blueprint of God's design for love and marriage


Gain the insight and information necessary to understand what your marriage is truly up against




Uncover the best ways to address sexual challenges as well as how to incorporate more non sexual intimacy in your marriage




Understand the difference between effective communication and fruitful communication. & why fruitful communication is what you need in marriage



Learn about the various strategies and tactics the enemy uses to destroy marriages, the authority you have to defeat Him and how to actually defeat Him

Uncover the truth about regaining trust and what you actually need to do it.




A 180 page timeless reference of everything you'll learn inside of the Winning Wives Academy.  This playbook will serve you for your entire life.


W.H.O.L.E. is my online learning platform and community for women of God struggling in marriage.  This platform provides a community element that will help you to connect with other like-minded women.


Get all of your questions about The Curriculum answered as you make your way through each module and get the coaching and guidance you need as you walk out this season of difficutly.


Email me at anytime throughout the program with questions, concerns and I will get back to you within 24 hours


Throughout the program you will have access to 5 emergency coaching calls.  These calls are to help support you during emotionally urgent situations.

The Investment


$5900 Paid In Full OR 6 Monthly Installments of $1016.

If you are interested in this program please fill out and submit the form below.


"At the beginning of this journey I was staying in my marriage just to stay. The days were filled with so much passive aggressiveness and animosity from me. I had constant thoughts of leaving and not having to put up with the foolishness.  And overall my outlook was that we would end up going our separate ways.  

I came into the 1-On-1 program desperate for my marriage to be “fixed” and to get rid of the anxiety that I was having because of the state of my marriage.  And in a sense, I got those things, just not the way I thought I would.  

As the weeks progressed in the program I was able to see things that I had never recognized before in myself and my husband.  I learned so much about forgiveness, communicating and especially spiritual warfare.  I learned how to recognize the enemy’s attacks on me and my husband and realized how much I had been in my flesh. That insight and visibility changed so much for me.


This time truly has changed me. My patience has improved tremendously, not just with my husband but in all areas of my life.  And it’s not just that I’m tolerant of mediocrity but I’ve learned what it really is to be understanding.  I know that my husband loves me but I also understand our individual spiritual struggles. And now, I am able to recognize my husband’s suffering and instead of responding according to my pain or even his pain, I can respond according to who I am growing to be. I am much more content with who I am and don’t feel the need to be wrong or right because I understand the truth.


Whereas before I was pretty much hopeless for our marriage having a real future I am now very hopeful because I can see what God has done in me and what He’s started to do in my husband."




"Scrolling thru IG, with knots in my stomach feeling hopeless, I notice this beautiful soul Tawanda Johnson, speaking directly into the camera. I was hooked! I watched every last one of her reels and immediately booked a clarity call!

Every Wednesday at 7am, God used Tawanda to minister to me for 14 weeks intensely. “In order for me to help you navigate thru this season of marital hardship, you must be willing to stand for your marriage and trust God to fix it”. I jumped in feet first!

Tawanda’s approach is prayerful and Godly. She listens and engages each module thru a spiritual lens and helps me see and understand how God designed and views marriage.

Loving my Husband and standing in the gap for him thru his brokenness was and still is a tall task and I struggle daily. However, I continue to stand and trust God.

We recently celebrated 21yrs of marriage. To God be the glory! 

Tawanda’s ministry has been such a blessing. The intensive 1:1 coaching and aftercare support is second to none. I thank God for leading me to “scroll” on to her path."


"Initially I had no clue what I wanted but knew where I was back in Dec 2020 I was not in a good place. I thought my marriage had died and I remember describing that I was resigned to the fact that my husband and I would go our separate ways. Tawanda, from the very beginning you were was consistent in me building faith in God, consulting Him about every area of my life-Daily. What I found helpful as simple as it seemed was to Ask God, Pause before reacting or deciding a response. All your teaching was based on what the bible said – Christ Centred.  I especially appreciated the personal guidance highlighting  areas for personal development that had it not been for this kind of coaching I may not of realised was a problem that held me back.  I can truly say that for the number weeks working with your support I feel so much more hopeful for the future.


So we really have reason to celebrate – 23 years married on Saturday! We are both feeling quite excited to actually be going to spend quality time with each other. Now THAT IS GOD!!  We have come a mighty long way."


"Whew! Where can I start? Well ,I’ll start by saying making the decision to stand in my marriage was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make . Next was acknowledging that  I needed help to do so . I was so desperate to save my broken marriage when beginning one on one coaching with Tawanda, I hadn’t realized how broken I was individually. As the weeks went on more trauma unfolded for my entire family, Tawanda was not only email away for me but even supported me through other challenges I was facing outside of my marriage. During the course of my coaching there was a miscarriage, family trauma ,  my husband lost his mom suddenly first a month after burying his mom my mom passed suddenly. Talk about  storm that seemed to be me be getting progressively worse . But God !!! Through intense coaching and the lessons I had been learning along with my willingness to totally surrender to God. God not only restored my broken marriage He renewed my mind and made me and my husband completely whole ! During all these unexpected storms and highs and lows of grief I’m able to still be whole , still recognize the goodness of God and lean in totally on my Heavenly Father ! Can I just say my husband had no interest in fixing our marriage he was so far away from the TRUTH (The living word of God ) so was I . But I  had a willing heart (but very hurt and frustrated spirit that needed to be restored before my marriage could be ), God used me to get my husband’s heart we are one flesh ! One heart ! God only needs one ! I’m still learning and unlearning and leaning in on my Heavenly Father!  It’s a conscious decision we must make to be fruitful in our marriage and as a woman of God individually even in a storm it possible to still be whole and navigate in away pleasing to God . Thank you Tawanda for your support, love , prayers , dedication and commitment to me and my family. We are forever grateful! God bless you and the beautiful calling you have to women."


"Where do I begin?! My experience with you and your curriculum has been life changing, to say the least. A major shift in my mindset altogether. I have always had a relationship with God, but not like I do now. It is renewed, it is reenergized, it is real. Before I didn’t understand what a wife should be. What a true covenant marriage looks like. That knowledge in itself made me realize how so unaligned I was with God. Now that I know, it is amazing of the level peace and clarity I have because I know the Lord has me regardless of what comes my way. I know what HE wants me to do, not just what I want. Whether it is hard times within my marriage or anything else the enemy tries to bring my way, I’m on a path to peace and that constant joy. I am more content than I ever have been with myself. I can check my feelings and emotions and not focus on the negative. I focus on leading with love and patience while being selfless. It continues to be a daily journey, but I have already seen a shift in myself and also in my marriage. I can see HIS work through myself. It’s amazing! Everyday is not unicorns and rainbows and it’s not supposed to be and I am good with that! Holy Spirit will continue to work through me, on me and guide me. I am forever grateful for you, Coach T!" 

"I came into my clarity call broken, numb, and spiritually blind due to the hurt, pain and anger I felt. This program has made my walk stronger in the Lord than it has EVER been! I am a better woman, wife, mother, homeschool parent, daughter and friend because of it. I recall I didn't even want to host friends coming in from out of state due to my situation and Coach T told me to "just be present", I listened and during that same visit one of my friends gave her life to the Lord.  In putting in the work with coach, assessing myself both naturally and spiritually, I was able to find full time work with all the benefits I prayed for!  Although naturally speaking the circumstances of my situation have not changed much in since the clarity call, my confidence in who I am in the Lord in greater, my life has shifted for the better and I am closer to the Lord. I learned how to surrender myself, my husband and my marriage to the Lord,

If you are thinking if the one-on-one intensive coaching is for you, or you are thinking it might be too much of an investment, take it from me, It is worth every penny."

"God is truly using you in a mighty way. I was in a really dark place and was wondering what more God did I have left.  Where do I go, what do I turn too, All I know is that I was in unbearable pain and most days didn't want to wake up 


You truly don't understand how just the small time in which God lead me to you on IG and yes I was lead has changed my mindset has given me hope in God again. Hope in life.  Thank you so much."

"I just want you to know how incredibly grateful I am for you. I long to have time to just sit and write and give you a glimpse of how thankful I am, I could write an essay, honestly, a full essay. I appreciate you so much. My eyes are filling up with tears as I write this." 

This season of marital hardship is purposed for your pruning and maturing.

As your wife coach I will love and support you but I will not coddle you.  In this season God wants to do a new thing in you and your marriage.  Your job is to let Him by leaning into new Spirit-inspired knowledge that has the power to renew your mind and your marriage.


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